Apr 25, 2012

Pretty Porch?

This weekend, I didn't get a whole lot done in terms of home improvement, but I did do a lot of thinking about getting stuff done, so that's gotta count for something.

Our porch floor is currently a Christmas green. As if that weren't bad enough, the paint is in major disrepair. Though a rug covers it most of the year, during pollen season, the rug comes up and the green, cracking paint shines through with all its glory. This got me thinking about the next project I must tackle: repaint with a charcoal gray and add beautiful stenciling in white. Though I'm sure halfway through, I will be regretting it. 


I found some great stencils via Young House Love's post on their office wall stencil project:

Current top picks:

Either one of those will do. Although having a graphic designer husband does have its advantages. Like having your very own custom stencil pattern made. Now all I have to do is convince him how much fun it will be.

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