Jul 18, 2012

Office Evolution

Sometimes its fun to work from home with your spouse. Sometimes it is not. When you share a fairly small table and are constantly bumping knees, it often tends to fall into the later category. My keyboard banging doesn't exactly help matters either.

This weekend, we decided to remedy the situation by pulling the old dining room table (aka. old beer pong table made by the husband) out from under the house. This led to a complete office rearrange and consumed a majority of our Sunday.

As usual, I have lots of before and after pics to document the office evolution.

The old, old office (when it was in the current guest room):

The current office when it was the old roomie's bedroom:

After the initial office switch = one hot mess!:

Making room for two worker bees:

During the major makeover fall of 2010:

After the cornice and pillow creations:

Anndd after Sunday's rearrange:
We get to work side-by-side. I know, I know, how cute.

We've come a ways from this wouldn't ya say?

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