Sep 9, 2012

A Little Yard Project

Though you wouldn't know it from recent blog activity, lots has been happening at the Stout household. This weekend was pretty much the first one at home for the summer, so we took full advantage. Saturday we finished shaping up the side yard, which has been an ongoing project over the past couple of weeks. 

Goal: remove random plants. Replace with camellia sasanquas. Eventually (think years), have a lovely border between ours and neighbor's yard.

Bush and most of tree gone:

One day I came home from work to find the truck spinning holes in Michael's beloved grass. This is what happens when a root ball will not budge.

Husband letting it have it:

After many hours of tireless labor (solely by the husband) - all gone!

Our new friends excited to check out their new home:

We got the camellias at Pike Nursery. I highly recommend them for any of your plant needs. They were super helpful, friendly and gaurantee their plants for life. For life! Crucial for us black thumbs.  

First guy in the ground!

Digging a boarder:

And after a little pine straw touch-up, all done!
In 6+ years, the little guys will create a nice, lush boarder (that is if we don't kill them along the way). 

Definitely an improvement from the before (if you don't count all the grass that was sacrificed along the way):

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