Jan 29, 2013

Another Day

To improve the process of selling our house, the hub and I create games. For example, how long do you think they are going to be inside? What do you think the offer is going to be? How many showings do you think we'll get today? So far, I've lost every single bet. Which means I've been doing a lot of dishes and lunch making. Two of my least favorite activities. Today, neither one of us won the bet. Today's showing was a no-show. That's right, a no-show. Feedback we received from the buyer's agent:

"He said he pulled in the driveway but his client said she didn't like the neighborhood or the house and therefore did not want to see it"

Seriously?! Who are these people. Don't they know I cleaned all the bathrooms last night and got up before 5am to ensure everything was in it's place? And left on every single light in the house all day long much to the dismay of mother earth?! Okay, no, they did not. As my mother says "Only people who have had houses on the market understand the inconvenience and stress showings cause to the seller!"

They also thought they could get away with not coming in without us knowing. Unfortunately for them, I was tracking their progress every minute of the entire scheduled showing hour on my CPI security app. Jokes on them. Okay not really, we still are the losers in this situation.

We seriously need some buyers because I am going crazy without home improvement projects. All I do is bake cookies and pies in my free time. A habit that cannot be good to continue.

Images I've been pinning lately as inspiration for the new casa:
via - how beautiful is that kitchen?!

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