Feb 17, 2013

News of Late

Last week for V-day we grilled some filet mignon and baked up some molten lava cakes for dessert. Those guys are so delicious. And easy. You should really give them a try.

We also got another offer on the house. Out of the blue. And the original offer couple came back wanting to put in another offer. We aren't anywhere close, but it sure is better than no offers at all.

This weekend, we drove down to Dirty Myrtle for a little run.

It was the hub's second half marathon. He cut 7 minutes off his first! The rents and uncle had strong, fast runs too. Though I was beginning to doubt the possibility around mile 20 and thought I just might die before crossing the finish line, I actually qualified for Boston. At last! Now I don't have to go through that torture ever again. Really, marathon = torture.

Afterwards, we got to go out and celebrate, where we ran into this fine specimen at a local dive bar:
Unfortunately you can't quite make out the nose, goatee and mouth. It was classy. Real classy.

And then it snowed. At the beach!

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