Jul 23, 2013

Farewell Boxes!

We managed to unpack all of the boxes. Not sure how we did it in a week, but the new house is officially uncluttered and starting to feel like home.

Remember this train wreck of a bonus room?

Hold on to your britches folks - here is the same room today:
The leftover boxes have all our pics/art. No idea where that stuff is gonna go yet.

In other news, besides moving, we've been crazy busy. Last weekend included a venture to the Knight's bball game, a 15k trail run by the hubs, a family gathering in Asheville and a full-day of helping a friend move on Sunday (husband only, I was luckily freed of that duty).

And for no reason in particular, here are some office pics for ya.

This is one room that will be getting a make-over at some point. It is much brighter than the office in our old house though, which I love.

Old office:

We haven't decided if we're gonna do the gallery wall again or not:
These are the things that are preventing me from completely clearing the bonus room.

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