Aug 19, 2013

Tape, Paint, Repeat

In typical Stout fashion, we've taken full advantage of the past couple of weeks at home. Lots of progress has been made on the nursery. Though the poor hubby would prefer to work on man projects. And this weekend, my FT (otherwise known as best friend) came to stay, which was great fun. She even was a trooper and went to baby stores with me.

The nursery got a make-over. We went with Gilden Linen in a Sherwin Williams. It's the first time we've gone a step-up from Lowe's paints and we could definitely tell a difference. And by we I mean Michael. No one wants bambino to come out with 4 arms because of toxic paint exposure.

(dresser to be painted some kind of white)

The secret playroom that will one day make for awesome forts added even more fun for the hubs yesterday afternoon:

And the after:

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