Dec 22, 2013

Saturday Project

Well 2 weeks have gone by and still no bambino. Last Monday the MD said she didn't know how I wasn't in labor b/c I'd progressed to 4cm dilated and 75% effaced. If you're like I was up until about a month ago, that probably means nothing to you. From what I'm told, you're typically in the hospital about to start pushing when you're that far along. But alas, here we sit bambino-less. What this does mean though is that we've had a super productive weekend.

Hubby's little Saturday project included building a compost bin. Unlike at our last house, we decided to invest in the untreated cedar. Gardening with compost that has been sitting in a death-chemical bin does seem to kinda defeat the point after all.

I found pics from the construction of compost bin round 1 at our last house. Funny enough, he built it in December then too. Three years ago. That makes me feel old!

I was a better documenter back then - there were like 15 pics of the construction. Yesterday I took not a one.

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