Jan 10, 2014

Baby Hayden

Our little guy arrived at last. On his due date, no less. After a morning of contractions that I wasn't quite sure were real at first, we decided to head in to get checked out when they started to get a little more intense (after some errands, showering up and a lunch that was cut short by a contraction that convinced me it may be the real deal). We arrived to the hospital at 1:30 that Sunday afternoon and our 8lbs 21 inch bundle of joy came out wailing at just 5:44pm. I must say I got pretty lucky with the whole labor thing - after the epidural I felt no pain and only had to push for 7 minutes. They tell me baby #2 will arrive even faster so I'm hoping we aren't looking at a home delivery. The hubs is hoping that even more than I. He did cut the umbilical cord but I don't think he's quite ready to play doctor.

So little Hayden loves to eat and is really good at sleeping during the day. The night? Not so much. We forgive him though b/c he is just too cute to be mad at. I swore our house would remain orderly with all baby 'junk' isolated to one room. Yeah that lasted about a day. And he doesn't even play with toys yet. I can't even imagine what our house is going to look like in a year.

I can't believe we have a baby human. That we are responsible for eternity. Crazy and totally worth it.

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