Apr 13, 2014

A Project!

You won't believe it. We actually did a project this weekend. The hubs had to take Friday off of work to get it started, but we finished our first real post-bebe project. Last year we didn't get to have a garden b/c we were in between houses, living at crap-ador. This year we're making up for it.

I unfortunately didn't get any progress photos, but here's the finished product of hubby's hard labor:
Bed #2:
Post diggin':

Beds in and ready for planting!
Now that's a lot of dirt!
Hayden man wasn't too much help:

I ran out of steam at the end of the day so don't have pics of the finished product. Of course, at the rate of one project every 3 months, you don't want all the good stuff at once anyways.

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